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It's been over 2 years since I wrote something on my page. I haven't updated any of the programs on the site for over 4 years too. This is mostly due to me not being in the mood to show off my feet as much as I did when I was younger. I had so much fun in my 20's making pictures and chatting with others. In my 30's I did a lot of webcams and started making videos for people. Now in my 40's I need to make sure I have enough money to survive. So I had to look for other work which I have found in some crowdsourcing sites. I am making a lot more money now then all my websites so that is great. I have been working on getting out of debt for a few years. This year I am a lot closer to pay it all off.
Because I haven't updated the programs on this site there was a few hackers that got in and started to use this site for bad stuff. So I had to delete everything and start from the ground up. You will see the videos and pictures come back slowly. I don't have a lot of time with the new work so I do it when I can. After I finish I will probably do a few new videos so you can see me how I look now. I have lost 10 pounds since my last post. I also ran into a few medical problems last year which wasn't serious but it felt serious at the time.
I have no reason to close this site down because it makes enough money to pay itself. Actually I have plenty of other sites that pay the hosting and domain bills. So I'll keep it up as long as it pays for itself and I'm still able to maintain it. I have no idea if I'll get back into the mood to do more videos and pictures. I would love to bring back my foot cam but it's a lot more expensive to do streaming. If I can find a way I might check it out in the future. I haven't had a lot of time to meet guys too which is sad. I have talked to many who I would love to meet but they are just too far away. Some are local and I am hoping to find some time to meet up and have some fun.
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- Hits: 5269

Welcome to 2013! I have a lot of stuff I want to talk about so let's get started. The biggest change on my website happened last year. I updated the software platform I am running this site on. A few years ago I started to move things over to Joomla which makes dealing with videos and pictures a lot easier. Before I programmed everything on my page myself. I did use some old programs for different things but I never updated them in years. I was taking my time moving things over and I still have a few things left over from the past.
The reason I needed to change faster is because in October of last year the site got hacked. I was notified by Google of some malicious links on my site. I am not positive how or when it happened. Once I found out I needed to figure out how to fix the site and make it more secure. I figured out that some old programs I was using had some vulnerable holes in it that allowed this to happen. So I started to delete that stuff and update my main program. I added some security features so this won't happen so easily. This allowed me to add some new features and make things a lot easier for me.
I have uploaded all my videos I have made around the internet. I am uploading new pictures when I have some time. Lot of these pictures are from a few years ago but I never had the chance to upload them before. I have decided to still use the gallery and story format for my pictures. I think it's unique to my site and makes it feel exciting. I am also adding slideshow videos to all my galleries. With that slideshow I am adding a masturbation encouragement so we can cum together viewing my pictures. This will be a slow process and I am not sure how long it will take.
I have just uploaded a video to YouTube and xtube. I hope you will check them out. They will be uploaded on this page soon. Any new video I upload to xtube or xhamster will be in HD and widescreen on this page so be sure to visit my page to get the full view. You may also download any of my pictures and videos whenever you like. I just hope you will enjoy and explore your fetish with me.
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- Hits: 5849

I am writing this blog on a cold windy day. I have some thick socks on to warm my feet. I wanted to explain some stuff I'll be doing to this page this month. My goal before next year is to add my old gallery pictures. I've been slowly updating them because I have other stuff I needed to do. Before I start adding new pictures I have to change everything over to this new software. I also recently found out there is a updated version with more security and added features for this software. I have decided to update it but I need to make sure everything stays the same as much as possible. So be prepared for some downtime or errors this month as I start testing stuff.
For the new year I want to put up my store so I can sell my used socks and shoes again. I have plenty of old worn socks which some have holes. Instead of throwing them away I would rather get them very used and let someone else have some pleasure with them. I am thinking of using paxum to accept credit card payments. Can't use paypal because they don't like adult stuff anymore. I'll probably accept checks and maybe cash. I haven't decided the price yet.
I want to be doing more videos next year also. I want to be able to do a video on youtube which is very tame and then a video on xtube which shows a lot more. Then I can also have a video on my site which would be a bit longer. The longer video would be on Clips4sale. That's the idea not sure how I'll do it all. I think a series like that would be cool and gives everyone a chance either to have fun free or give me some support. I will also have a way to accept donations, gifts and even a slave page.
There's a lot more social places on the web now which I am having a lot of fun with. I am still looking for that webcam group chat place where we can all have fun with each other like the yahoo chatroom days. I really miss those days. 1 to 1 cam is fun but I would rather have fun with many more people and we can all interact with each other. I have found some places like that but still testing things out. Menchats.com seem interesting especially with a fetishes room already made.
If you have any ideas you would like to see or information on stuff I am looking for please send an email, message or comment.
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- Hits: 5884

Today has been an interesting day. Yesterday I found my facebook account disabled. Sent a request for an explanation why. I got a response this morning that it was closed for sexually explicit pictures. I guess they didn't like the pictures I had showing my underwear. They also gave 2 other reasons. They said I couldn't use facebook to send messages to strangers. Also they want real info which I will not give out. So I decided to let my account go. I was chatting with some nice people on there and hope to find them again in the future.
Those pictures on my account were quite tame compared to others I have seen. I had them up for about a year too. Never had a complaint. So I am guessing this one guy who didn't accept a no from me probably reported those pictures because the next day I found my account disabled. If he only looked at my information on my account and found my website he would have all the stuff he asked for. Some people are lazy and think they should get everything they ask for.
I did create a new facebook account and I'll only be using it for chatting and contacting guys into feet. I be very careful with the pictures I post on facebook. I recently got myself a google plus account so that might be fun to try. There's a hangout I can use with my webcam which might be interesting. I'll be posting more pictures on footguys.net which is a great foot social site.
I am still moving the pictures over to my new website. Once I am finished I'll be adding some new galleries of pictures.
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- Hits: 5795

It's been way too long since I posted something on my site. As you can see I have changed my website. I decided this year I was going to totally redesign my page. For the tech people out there who are interested. I am using Joomla for my site now. Before I was using software that I wrote. It did a good job but now it's just too old. I wanted to upgrade my software to make it better but it would take a lot of time to do that. Tested some galleries with my new software and it looked really good. I had to take a break and when I came back I forgot what I did. So I decided to forget about it and use software that has already been made and even better then what I can do.
Right now I still need to move all my galleries over and my store. The galleries will take time. I also want to make the slideshows for all my galleries too. I have some new gallery pictures ready. Actually I have a lot. I don't want to put them up until I finish my site fully. Because I have other websites that I run this site hasn't been updated for years. I've promised things before and I didn't come through so I won't promise. Just have to wait and see. At least today I uploaded gallery 15. Got more than 30 galleries to go.
Make sure you check out the new site and all my social website connections. The best way to get a hold of me is with email, my website or yahoo im. I also have aim. I rarely log into skype. You can follow me on twitter but I don't do much there right now. I have a facebook page and a flickr page. Got some new pictures there. My youtube page is doing good and I'll be adding more videos this month. I'll post more later.
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- Hits: 5765

Last time I wrote was about youtube suspending my account. I still haven't used my second account yet. I will in the future. go to frankfeet2 and subscribe if you want. I haven't uploaded any videos or galleries to my website just yet. I've decided to write my own stuff and not use another software. The ones I tried did some things I wanted but not everything. I have changed the banana and feet and Whipped creamed feet galleries over to the new system. Still needs work but it's coming a long nicely.
I want to get a little personal here now. Since I started this page I always figured I might be bisexual. I labeled myself as BI in chats and posts. Recently I really know I am BI and I also cross dress at times. Some might not want to know that so don't read it. LOL. I've been more interested in trying new things and having some fun. I'm going to be 39 this year so I better try everything I always wanted to try in my life now before it gets too late. I am hoping to get the nerves to go to a foot party soon. I think I would like to attend one and have some fun. So right now I am trying lot of stuff and having fun. I have some new videos and pictures I will be adding. Hope to get my foot cam on more often too.
Last year was probably the worst of my life. I got very depressed because I lost a very good friendship with someone I knew for 15 years. This changed a lot in me and I am still trying to sort and understand everything. I appreciate the people that were there for me in that rough time. I want to make new friends and get things in my life sorted out now. This is why I'm writing this and changing my page to make it better. I really want to meet more people now and have some foot fun or just have some friends to spend time with.
I have lot of ways to communicate with me. I'm not always on but I try to log in as much as I can. I also play games online and if anyone wants to join me just email me. I play LOTRO and Second Life. I do want to introduce Second Life to my visitors. It has some foot fun and other fun stuff people can try. Be sure to check out my social pages at facebook, twitter and myspace.
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- Hits: 4562

I got my account suspended from youtube. Not a big problem but I am quite disappointed. None of the videos showed anything explicit. The last video that got my last warning was my sock worshiping video. I was wearing underwear in that video and I think that's what they didn't like. Youtube doesn't explain exactly the reasons and I don't want to dispute it. I'll probably add some very tame videos on my frankfeet2 account there in a few weeks. If you were subscribed to my previous account please subscribe to my new one or my other sites. Thanks!
I am in the process of uploading all the videos I had on youtube to my own website. I probably use some of the other free video sharing sites for more exposure. I only used youtube to get more people to my page. It worked and I'll be looking for other ways to advertise myself. This might be the last time I use this blogging software to write on my page. I'm installing a better way of communicating on my website. I will be using it first for my videos and then add more as time goes by. Look for these changes in the future.
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- Hits: 7272

It's been a long time since I wrote anything in my blog. Lot of things have happened in my life. Some good and some bad. I came back to the one thing that brought me some happiness, my web page and my fans. These past weeks I have been playing around with my webcams. I have two webcams I can turn on instantly but lighting isn't very good. I have a camcorder for my live cam that I use for yahoo shows. I also have a video capture device to make more video clips.
This means I have been doing some work on all my videos I have collected throughout my years. I am placing all my vhs videos on clips4sale. This is a good place to sell them and save them for the future. Some of the tapes were getting old and the quality was getting bad. I have been placing videos on some other web pages hoping to get some more visitors to my page. I placed some videos on Youtube.com, xtube.com, gaytube.com, feet.tv, feetflixx.com and rockettube.com. You will find some adult videos on the more adult sites of course. I also have my own myspace.com and facebook.com account. I have an account for yahoo.com, aim/bebo, msn.com/live.com and meebo.
I love giving free stuff away and make some of the male foot fetish lovers happy. But I do have to make a living and pay for all this stuff so I am using advertising and selling video clips for now. Later I want to add a wish list, donation and get my foot slave page going again. I want to add more pictures, videos and audio stuff in the future. What I really want to add are worshiping content. Making more money will help me so I can get out more and hope to find guys who will let me take pictures and videos.
The biggest problem with this is following the law. Any sexual content needs to have age verification and consent of the people in the videos and pics. I will have to find out more about this law stuff so I won't get into trouble in the future. Right now all content is of me except one series of pictures.
This year I am also planning on a major redesign of this site. I am planning on using a CMS program to make things easier like joomla. If I can get it to do and look the way I want then I'll use it. The page right now is done by my own programs, other blogging software and hand done pages with html. It's a lot of work and some things break. Making things easier by using one program would really make updating my page easier. I want to be able to pull content from other places by using widgets like the youtube I added to my main page.
To end this blog I just hope everyone is doing great in life and always remember that feet will get you through anything! I know smelling, sucking and licking my toes really make everything in life a lot better.
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- Hits: 3022

Last week hasn't been that great. I've been fighting off a cold. Today I feel a bit better. My feet haven't been worshiped for 2 weeks now. When I get over this cold I definitely will be calling my foot friend for some fun. I have been worshiping them myself but it's not the same as a guys mouth on my toes while I jerk off.
My goal for this month is to finish up my new story. Next month I'll be writing another foot story and have an idea of a new gallery. I hope to be on webcam more often if I can. Living with roommates is quite funny. They always ask me why do I have a light under my desk. I keep telling them so I can see better but I know they don't believe me. Oh well I know they will never understand my fetish so I won't tell them. I'm hoping for that time I can get my own place and have guys come over to worship me on webcam.
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- Hits: 2777

It's been awhile since I wrote in this blog so I thought I should write something for the beginning of 2008. Last year has been the busiest for me and didn't have much time to update my page. I apologize but this is something I put up for fans and is not a high priority. I want to change that this year but I can't guarantee anything. I'll be finally out of debt so I won't have to worry about paying so many bills each month.
This is not the only page I have and not the only blog I have. I have plenty of blogs I write for and make money from. I write a lot about virtual worlds and games on the internet so it keeps me very busy. There are some places I found that I want to share and explore with all my fans. Been spending a lot of time in Second Life which is a free virtual world on the internet. The gay community isn't very big in the world and I only found some foot fetish stuff. I created an account there using ""frankfeet wood"" for my name. It's an interesting place and I might find a use for it for the future.
I found a way to have a small sentence update of my day to show on the front page. It's working now and I try to update it as much as I can. I want to add more videos, audio and especially stories. I have plenty of real stories I can tell about my experiences. I also have some fictional stories I can write. I thought about having another section where you can follow my writing of stories from the beginning to the end. I'll be starting that after I write this post.
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- Hits: 3704

It's been getting hotter every day here and that means I'll be going barefoot a lot! I'll probably find some time to get in the pool so I can cool my feet down. These past months have been hectic for me! I'm forcing myself to concentrate on my main business so I can make more money. I'm also trying to set up some time for this page in my schedule so I can be updating as much as possible. My TV watching is now over. The last show was American Idol and now that it's finished I have no interest in any show in the U.S. until big brother starts later this month. I'm a big fan of big brother from the U.K and Australia so if you're watching those shows feel free to chat about it with me.
My foot life has been hectic as well. Met this wonderful guy this year and have been very satisfied with his foot worship for months now. Recently he's moving to another country do to illness so I've been sad. I have other foot guys who will fulfill my needs but I really connected with this guy more than anyone.
Life moves on and I'm sure we will meet again. I'm going to get back to work and maybe show off my feet on yahoo today. I hope the sheer sock fans will like the new update in the socks section. I'm working on the next gallery now. I got some guys who are willing to be on camera while worshiping my feet so this year might be the year for some worship pics and vids. Wish me luck! I need to find time to meet them and take some pictures.
I want to leave all the guys who like bare feet and water with a picture. Hope you will enjoy this!
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- Hits: 2969

Wanted to wish everybody a happy new year! Hope everyone gets their foot wishes come true this year! I know I am having a wonderful time tonight. A friend of mine came over to worship my feet all day until the new year! He's been doing a wonderful job. I've been watching TV and working at my computer while he sucks on my toes and licks my soles. He's still licking my toes as I type this! My toes are feeling so good and my feet are soaking wet with his saliva! I already came twice while he's been worshiping and I got him to cum 3 times with 2 footjobs! The other time I got him to cum in my shoe. I even came in his shoe. We're having a great time! I think I will try to cum another time before I go to bed and he goes back to his home. I bet his mouth is so tired now!
I just added a new gallery called, ""Having a Soda Break With My Feet!"" I drank all the soda after I soaked my feet in the bowl. It tasted great! This is the second time I typed this out today because the lights keep flickering on and off because of a storm passing through. Computers don't like that and I don't have a backup power supply. One thing I need to buy this year! I have a lot more pictures coming this year. I know I said it last year and It didn't come true. Sorry about that. My business has to come first. This page is totally free and I can only work on it when I have free time. I better stop or the lights will flicker again before I finish. Bye all!
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- Hits: 2406

Happy Halloween!! Trick or Treat Smell my FEET NOW!
I'm all ready today to watch horror movies all day and night but there's a lot of new stuff I wanted to talk about in this post. The biggest news for my page is that I have changed servers for my site. Been working on this all week. I will begin the transfer tomorrow. You will start seeing most of my pages redesigned a bit. All the galleries should have a flash slideshow once the change is complete.
Some visitors will start seeing the changes tomorrow. Others may see it in a couple of days. There shouldn't be any down time or errors while this change is happening. The foot slave page will not be finished. I have a lot of ideas for my foot slave page but I couldn't finish all the stuff I needed to before November. I will be adding some new galleries also if I finish up all the other galleries on time. Hope everyone will have a wonderful day and night. My feet will be getting worshiped in chocolate for Halloween. Will post again later...
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- Hits: 2305

My favorite time of the year! Halloween is coming up and I'm watching horror movies as much as I can. Had some great foot worship times last month. Met a guy from Australia and let him have my feet for 2 days straight. I usually don't meet guys who are from out of town. Hard to set up a good time to meet. But this guy was a good fan from years ago. We did everything he dreamed of doing to my feet. I loved every minute of it. Even let him suck my cock. I came in a couple of minutes. Have to work on that. I can jerk off for hours and not cum but hard to control when I get a good blowjob.
Wanted to make sure everyone knows about the new flash slideshow I am adding to every gallery I have on my site. The first 4 galleries are already done. I'm working on all the galleries right now. Hope to be done by the end of the month. When I finish I'll be putting up some new pics for all the fans waiting for them this year. Join my yahoo group to take a look at some new pics that I leave in high quality so you can see every detail of my feet.
I have some news about the yahoo chat rooms. Just read an article about yahoo bringing back the user created rooms in the future!! So I'll be sure to create the foot room when I see the user rooms are back. I miss the room so much!
This October will be fun. I'm going to Knotts scary farm on Sunday so I can get scared. Looking forward to some new movies coming up and things are looking up with my business. Got lot of foot dates this month and have a couple of new slaves I want to try out. Will post more later!
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- Hits: 2392

Hi Everyone! I just created something new and interesting. It seems really like a good new feature for my site. I'll probably add it to my site in a couple of weeks. If you're a member of my Yahoo! group here then you can see a preview of it. I posted a message with a link to the new feature. Got some other new ideas running through my head also which will be fun for everyone I hope. I have hundreds of pics I'll be adding to my page soon. Two new galleries are ready and just need audio to be done before I add them.
I've been really very busy with my work. I have to make it profitable in a year or 2 or I'll have to quit and get a real job. ugh. I don't like being a 9 to 5 person. Rather run a business or help with a small business. Don't want to work at a big building in a cubicle.
I try to put on my webcam on but I sometimes forget. I also try to log in to the IM's but I forget sometimes also. Have to get everything into a routine. I still leave time for some foot worship. Got some guys close to me that I can go to and have my feet worshiped so my feet get the attention they deserve. The bad thing is these guys are really shy and don't want me to take pics or videos of them. They're scared of being recognized. I've tried everything even asked if they could wear a mask. The answer was no mask.
Well I'm still looking for guys local to me who will be willing to be in some pictures. I just don't have the time or resources to drive miles away from me anymore. My roommates don't know anything about me and my fetish. They wouldn't be very nice about it I'm sure too. So always have to find somewhere else to go to meet up with guys. Maybe one of these days I can get my own place or find a foot guy for a roommate.
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- Hits: 2063

Welcome to my page and my own personal blog. I haven't been consistent writing here for months. I've just been so busy with my work. This page is not my work. This is a work of passion. I love my site and my visitors. I always try to give as much of me as I can to everyone. This site is the totally opposite of my work.
I've been working in the adult industry for years. Where I make money by giving the least amount as possible. I make websites every day with straight porn and hoping they will click on the sponsor banners to sign up. This site is not that at all. Recently I placed more sponsor banners on this site to see if it can pay for itself. It's been going very well. All my pictures will be free even the pics from 1997 when I started. The video and audio clips will also be free. I do have a video clip store where I sell bigger, higher quality and longer clips. It allows me to provide my videos for download. I also have a store where I sell video tapes, socks and shoes for my fans.
In the coming days you will see more changes to my page. I have hundreds of new pics to add. More sound and video clips will be added too. Maybe a redesign of some pages so it will look more like the front page. I do have a secret place where I will be adding new pics and high quality pictures also. The pics on this site will be as small as possible. I can't afford a big bill from my hosting. So I am uploading digital pics straight from my camera to my yahoo group. So if you're not signed up you should check it out.
I have one more thing to mention and I will stop. I have no good news about the yahoo chatrooms. If anyone knows of any news you can write a comment to this post. I have found a good place to chat about feet. It's at gay.com chatrooms. Not very talkative but yahoo chatroom was the same. Most chat in personal messages. There is a capability to view cams but you need to be a paid member of gay.com. I believe you can show your cam for free but only members can see it. It might not be the best but it's something. I have met some nice guys from there and going to hook up with some more in the future.
Well I typed way to much so I will stop. I'll post a lot more cause I put it on my daily schedule. Now if I can just stick with that daily schedule and make it a routine it'll be great! Bye for now and my feet in your face!