It's been a long time since I wrote anything in my blog. Lot of things have happened in my life. Some good and some bad. I came back to the one thing that brought me some happiness, my web page and my fans. These past weeks I have been playing around with my webcams. I have two webcams I can turn on instantly but lighting isn't very good. I have a camcorder for my live cam that I use for yahoo shows. I also have a video capture device to make more video clips.

This means I have been doing some work on all my videos I have collected throughout my years. I am placing all my vhs videos on clips4sale. This is a good place to sell them and save them for the future. Some of the tapes were getting old and the quality was getting bad. I have been placing videos on some other web pages hoping to get some more visitors to my page. I placed some videos on,,,, and You will find some adult videos on the more adult sites of course. I also have my own and account. I have an account for, aim/bebo, and meebo.

I love giving free stuff away and make some of the male foot fetish lovers happy. But I do have to make a living and pay for all this stuff so I am using advertising and selling video clips for now. Later I want to add a wish list, donation and get my foot slave page going again. I want to add more pictures, videos and audio stuff in the future. What I really want to add are worshiping content. Making more money will help me so I can get out more and hope to find guys who will let me take pictures and videos.

The biggest problem with this is following the law. Any sexual content needs to have age verification and consent of the people in the videos and pics. I will have to find out more about this law stuff so I won't get into trouble in the future. Right now all content is of me except one series of pictures.

This year I am also planning on a major redesign of this site. I am planning on using a CMS program to make things easier like joomla. If I can get it to do and look the way I want then I'll use it. The page right now is done by my own programs, other blogging software and hand done pages with html. It's a lot of work and some things break. Making things easier by using one program would really make updating my page easier. I want to be able to pull content from other places by using widgets like the youtube I added to my main page.

To end this blog I just hope everyone is doing great in life and always remember that feet will get you through anything! I know smelling, sucking and licking my toes really make everything in life a lot better.

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